Prophetic Movement Course
This three month online course will teach you about the Power of God being released in the Movement of Dance. It will equip you, train you and give you the foundation that is needed to understand what Prophetic Movement is all about and the importance of Prophetic Movement.
Prophetic Movement Course Level II
This three month course is LEVEL II of the Prophetic Movement Course. WE are launching DEEPER into the Prophetic Flow. After completion of this course you will have the understanding that there is POWER in your unspoken movements directed by God!!
*In order to take this course you must have completed LEVEL 1
Kingdom Warrior Course
This three month online course will equip you, teach you and launch you to be the Kingdom Warrior God designed you to be. We will go in depth to find out what God placed inside of you to "war" with and develop your "It" so you are Ready for Battle! It is time for the Kingdom Warrior inside of you to ARISE, ACCEPT the Call and MOVE FORWARD!